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"Very informative, fun and enlightening.” Section 42 Safeguarding Enquiry Training with Insight Academy, March 2024

Greetings one and all,

Thanks go to Stoke on Trent City Council’s Adult Social Care manager Gina Grimes for starting me on my Section 42 Safeguarding Enquiry journey. The training I have created, ‘That Human Moment’ has been a palpable hit! From “Inspirational” to “Malcolm’s life story moved me to tears,” learners have thoroughly enjoyed the training and more importantly I have been contacted by several learners who have stated how they have altered and amended their practice.

As you can see from the collated feedback below, the learners are extremely enthusiastic about the training. They have particularly enjoyed hearing the stories of people with lived experience. Expert Citizens Insight Academy has been at the forefront of embedding lived experience into everything that we do. It was very telling in the way that the class reacted to meeting Malcolm in the flesh after viewing his film. One learner stated, “I learned so much from just listening to you Malcolm.” And Malcolm was very proud of his input and the way in which people praised him for his post traumatic growth.

On with the feedback:

Would you recommend this training session to others and why?

“Yes - very informative, fun and enlightening.”

“Yes, highly informative and engaging session.”

“Yes - Very engaged.”

“Yes, fab presentation, approachable trainer, fun, positive, develop skills.”

“Highly recommended, interesting & helpful.”

“Yes definitely!”

“Very informative & interactive.”

“Yes, its interactive, interesting and fun.”

“Yes, as very useful for reflection + communication models.”



“Yes, it was very engaging.”


“Yes - informative + involved lived experience views.”

“Yes: Nice balance - reminders about the importance of time & using emotional intelligence & relationship backed practice.”

How will the training you experienced shape your practice in the future?

“Focus on the persons views regardless of all the other factors.”

“Reinforced the importance of a human connection within practice.”

“Self-awareness and to reflect more frequently.”

“Rethinking how you approach our customers and plan questions so they are more conversational.”

“It will shape my training by making my safeguarding enquiries more person centred.”

“I will consider more about my own approach and ensuring that the customers views are heard.”

“Emphasised importance of spending time with the people we support to try and understand their perspectives.”

“Allow time for meaningful interaction.”

“Will use the DESC model in future practice.”

“Put DESC into practice.”

“This training has motivated me to be person centred in my approach and how to use DESC.”

“It will help me to explore risks effectively with service users.”

“Awareness around how others perceive me - to be more aware of using the DESC approach.”

“Non-judgemental approach + trauma informed.”

“It has inspired me to put what I have learned into practice.”

“To push back from the procedural pressure & to remain true to S/W values.”

What did you learn during this session?

“Approaches to listening / active listening, systemic barriers often have us lose focus.”

“Really interesting information about emotional intelligence and impacts.”

“The value of putting the person and their views at the heart of safeguarding.”

“Describe, Express, state, consequences.”

“Very useful, motivational interview skills, relax & safeguarding.”

“I learnt more about making safeguarding personal and considering my approach.”

“Very informative.”

“Learning more and listening more to what is being said. By the service user.”

“I learnt more about emotional intelligence + reflection in safeguarding.”

“Enable me to approach others with other questions.”

“The principles of safeguarding. Empathy & listening to service users, understanding the concerns from their perspectives.”

“I learned the different kinds of risk factors and DESC.”

“My awareness of the language I used when speaking to others.”

“Active listening.”

“The need to acknowledge & remember to put the person at the centre of S/G & not to be drawn in & dominated by procedural pressure. Links back to the care act more frequently.”

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