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“The course was delivered by two trainers with obvious passion for the subject." Lead Worker Training with Staffordshire County Council, Nov 24

Today was spent with a cohort of Family Support Practitioners from Staffordshire County Council.  Di Malkin and I ventured to Burton on Trent to deliver my ‘How to be a Lead Worker’ training.  The course has been a labour of love. I have particularly enjoyed delivering the course alongside the vulnerability expert that is Di Malkin (formally of Staffordshire police fame and now part of the VKPP), we have laughed, we have learned and we have developed the training over the last few months. 

Several residents of Staffordshire supported my endeavours.  I created case studies based on their lived experience and their interactions with services across the county.  ‘Lynda’ (played with aplomb in my training film my Maggie Law) was blown away by the work I put into telling her story.  Lynda was very impressed with Magge’s acting and couldn’t quite get over how glamorous she was in the film!  I’ll have to tell Maggie…

The course is a heady mix of theory, practice and hands on learning tools.  This includes a very popular section on ‘professional blunting’ and Emotional Intelligence (EQ.)

A grand day was had by all, a you can see from a smattering of the feedback comments:

“I could listen to Steven all day, great font of knowledge.  I especially loved the EQ stuff!”

“The course was delivered by two trainers with obvious passion for the subject.  Di’s knowledge about vulnerability risk factors was inspiring.” 

“This was a really good course; I enjoyed the interactive tasks and the way in which we all interacted and shared our ideas.” 

“This was GREAT training; I was engaged more as it wasn’t death by PowerPoint which most training is!  More of Steven and Di please! 😊”

“Fantastic training, very informative, professional and achievable.  I really believe that we are making a difference.  I think hearing the decent outcomes from the work we are doing with families across the County is uplifting.”

“Enjoyable.  Thought-provoking and Di’s knowledge was second to none on policing and vulnerability.” 

“An informative, clear and cleverly created presentation.  The film with Lynda was excellent.” 

“Fantastic delivery, fun and informative, I’ll be booking on your Motivational Interviewing training!  Plus - Trauma!  And Hoarding!  More Steven please!”

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