"Steven created a nurturing, reflective, relaxed and fun atmosphere.” Empathy Fatigue with Staffordshire County Council, Nov 24
This week I had the pleasure of delivering my very popular course, ‘Empathy Fatigue – embracing rational compassion’ with the troops from Staffordshire County Council. I’ve recently updated the course to include new films and interviews with professionals from across the Midlands, demonstrating their experiences of burnout and fatigue.
As always with my training, I have created a fully interactive, hands-on learning environment. Learners are encouraged to discuss their stresses and strains and how the work / life balance may be a bit cock-a-hoop. One of the learners described how I created a ‘nurturing’ training environment and that brings joy to my heart as that is what it is ALL about. Being safe in a safe environment to discuss difficult things. I’m showing the learners that Staffordshire County Council appreciates their hard work and also there are ways to combat their fatigue and continue to strive for better. The residents of the county will benefit from happy, rewarded and motivated staff.
Here is a smattering of the feedback comments, all of which are 100% positive:
“I was so glad when I arrived for the training and saw it was Steven running the session, you know it’s not going to be death by PowerPoint! Fabulous training as ever and a lot to go away and think about.”
“Very influential, motivational, inspirational for myself. It is very important to remember about your own health and wellbeing and that you are not a slave to your employer, the employer makes the working environment good for the worker.”
“Brilliant training! Interactive throughout, Steven is so knowledgeable, he gave real examples of burn out and empathy fatigue and I would recommend that all of my colleagues attend these sessions.”
“Great deliver and a great day. Steven is very personable, relatable and knowledgeable. He brings this to our workplace and enables us to see how the knowledge he’s imparting can be used within our jobs. This will support us at work. I am really looking forward to attending more training course with Steven, especially his Motivational Interviewing and Trauma courses.”
“The training was helpful and very insightful. It’s all about managing that work / life balance and understanding how you feel and think about things at work. And then are you taking that home with you…? I know I am. Now I have strategies to stop and think.”
“This was really fun and interactive training, lots of the tasks were collaborative and about our jobs at Staffordshire County Council. There was no death by PowerPoint and that was a relief. Steven created a nurturing, reflective, relaxed and fun atmosphere.”
“What a course! Steven delivered a really enjoyable day of training and I feel that now I can make some positive changes about the stresses that I’m facing at work. Thank you Steven.”
“Steven, I really like your style of delivery! I have ‘done a lot of work on me’ over the past five years and it was good to question myself further. Every day is a school day or I believe it should be. Excellent.”
“Really good, insightful training that has made me reflect on myself.”