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“I found the trainer Steven Talbot to be a breath of fresh air." Inspiring Change with BCC

Greetings one and all,

I’m back with my blog post and some really rather uplifting comments from my recent three-day training induction sessions with staff from Birmingham City Council. As you are all aware, I particularly love training the troops at Birmingham as they’re an attentive and engaged audience and they particularly like my dynamic approach. The newly created housing needs teams are working tirelessly to ensure people across the city have a place to call home. A place where they are safe, secure and supported. Here is the feedback from their three-day induction with yours truly.

Three days in which we look at:

The causes of homelessness

Trauma and change

Myths around homelessness

Inspiring change behaviour


Tacking difficult conversations.

“I found the trainer Steven Talbot to be a breath of fresh air. I say that because he was not like a lot of trainers who get you just involved in completing tasks and exercises but was great at understanding the group and their different levels of knowledge. He was able to spend the time with explaining and using great examples from his past experiences. He made everyone feel like they had made friends with others in the group and could be approached in the future. I have worked in areas in the past where a question had to be asked to obtain an answer. However, now I have found different methods of obtaining answers to questions without it sounding like an question. GREAT TRAINER. Well Done Steven.”


“I felt the training was appropriate to the role. Steven was very knowledgeable and delivered the training in a very good manner. There was a lot of interaction required during the session which was nicely done as there was no role play. A lot of training usually involve role play which can make people feel uncomfortable. It was a good idea to mix up the breakout rooms with other staff members as it forced you to interact with people you did not necessarily know. This is helpful more now than ever due to covid and we are all remote working, so now when we go back into the office we will know a few more faces. Steven was down to earth and although it was obvious that he knew his stuff, he was approachable and friendly. I feel there are a lot of techniques that I can use daily and I will continue to practice these as best as I can, I can see how they would help my role and the assist my clients/customers. The training makes you reflect on your own behaviour and how this could have led to situations in the past which of course helps for future situations. Really appreciate the session, I think it will really help me and my clients in the future. Thank you.”


“Absolutely fantastic training -it was a pleasure to be on the course and to have a trainer like Steven, it was informative, engaging and real life issues and scenario’s which is what made it really good. There was lots of group work and understanding and utilising of skills. Look forward to more training sessions.”


“Very enjoyable from a very knowledgeable person who made the training interesting, fun and informative. Stephen delivered the training with a humour and friendliness that put everybody at ease from day one. Steven’s passion for the subject shone through and quickly rubbed off on people in training who joined in all the tasks enthusiastically. The skills that he demonstrated should definitely help people in what are very challenging roles. This training was a big, big help and instilled a lot of confidence for the task ahead.”


“Very good and informative training. The trainer encouraged a lot of participation with him and the wider group. Activity handouts were clear and concise and the sessions were not dragged out and boring. Very very interactive and enjoyable sessions. I learned a lot from the training and will be putting into practice what I have learned not just with my customers but also with my family and friends.”


“Really good training course, feel as though I have taken a lot out of the last few days. Thank you for the training Steven Talbot 😊”


“I hate public reading, but Stephen gave me the confidence to do with it without me realising I could do it. I normally feel like the ‘Colin’ in the video.”


“Very informative & friendly. No complaints really enjoyed – great how Steven managed to get 99 percent on camera! As a new member of staff I was quite nervous but felt more like a team when you can see who you are talking to! And it was genuinely really fun and catered to everyone i.e. spoke unopinionated and gave everyone a chance to talk.”


“The course was very informative and relevant to my current role at Birmingham City Council as a Housing Solution and Support Caseworker in so many different ways.”


“Steven you was so funny, had me laughing and really enjoyed my 3 days training.”


“Trainer (Steve) possesses extensive knowledge and the delivery of the sessions was brilliant. The sessions improved my knowledge immensely. The skills acquired today will be very useful in my line of work. Excellent overall.”


“Steve was great to train with, I learned a lot and feel like I have learnt new techniques.”


“Great and fun training delivered by Steven who got us all involved and interacted with us.”


The course was really balanced and interactive. It helped that group was great too. Steve, you really do a fantastic job. You are very much like a teacher I had at college who used to mix up the education with general chit chat and personal experiences. Keep up the good work and all the best for the future.”


“I found the course very helpful but mostly I liked the approach and the delivery style. Personally, I have used most of the techniques on my previous job. However, I believe I still need to improve the way I speak with customers even though I will be dealing mostly with Landlords so a course on negotiating skills would be ideal for my role. This course bought again to my attention that I need to spend more time with my family specially my children and not focusing so much on the business and career.”


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