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“Excellent training from an excellent trainer." Compulsive Hoarding with Stoke on Trent City Council, March 2025

As we all know, I absolutely love delivering my training.  I enjoy creating my training films, the resources, doing my research and then launching the course.  It can be a tad nerve wracking as that voice in the mind, the ‘imposter’ can rear its ugly head and go, really?  REALLY?  This is what you’ve been working on?’  Well, be away with you imposter voice!  If I know one thing for sure, and that is - my Compulsive Hoarding course is pretty darn popular! 

This week I re-launched the course with NEW films.  We now meet Carolyn and her odious housing officer, Greg.  The always wonderful Rob Caton plays Greg with sheer aplomb.  Carolyn is played by my brilliant chum Lisa Banes, who got roped in at the very last minute as my other actor was otherwise engaged.  Lisa was superb and I always find she’s there for me.  What a trooper!

This time I was delivering the training to an array of learners from across Stoke on Trent City Council children and families services. My old stomping ground and as you are all aware, the best place I ever worked. Lovely people, doing wonderful work to support and encourage people into positive lifestyle changes.

Anyhow, pop along to the training and witness Carolyn and Greg in all their glory. 

Here is a smattering of the 100% positive feedback comments:

“This topic is so interesting, and I have learned LOTS to take away both personally and professionally.  Steven was so inclusive and respectful throughout.  He shared his knowledge via case studies and case examples.  This was brilliant.  With the added resources to use today – it was excellent.  Thank you so much.” 

“I really enjoyed watching the videos and all of the different tasks.” 

“Great life examples to aid the learning, this made the whole training day enjoyable and informative.” 

“I really enjoyed this training, and I found it very interesting, and the trainer (Steve) was both knowledgeable and engaging.”

“Excellent training from an excellent trainer. Really useful training, an interactive session in which I learned so much!” 

“Excellent delivery, really well presented by Steven, which made the training come to life.” 

“Very interesting training which gave me a really good insight into a complex mental health condition.” 

“Very informative and I learnt a lot of new skills and my understanding of compulsive hoarding has increased remarkably.  I would highly recommend this training.”

“Very interesting and informative training and I’d like to thank you.”

 “Very informative and absorbing training, I was engaged throughout.” 

“Excellent training, very engaging and informative.” 

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