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Compulsive Hoarding Training with Cheshire East Council, "Very Inspirational Training!"

Yesterday, I had the absolute pleasure of training a cohort of staff, primarily from adult social care who all worked at Cheshire East Council. The course was my very popular Compulsive Hoarding session, ‘Trapped and Drowning in My Things.’ This very lively group kept me on my toes and I really thought I was going to laugh myself silly. They were brilliant. Such enthusiasm for the subject, for their jobs, for their customers and service users. I love it when I meet motivated and enthusiastic learners and this group were the epitome of that.

A big shout out to Davis, Corrina and Cat who were my stooges on the training and acted their parts brilliantly. Very impressive, the Academy Award is in the post.

The group were vocal and desperate to learn about the subject and how they could support and encourage people into positive change. I was very impressed by their compassion toward Paula, who very kindly allowed me to film her when she was in the throes of hoarding compulsion, alcohol abuse and self-neglect. To see the learners faces when I explained how Paula had embraced post-traumatic growth and was now a TOTALLY different person was amazing. People do change, they can be encouraged to see things differently and recovery is possible with a little bit of active listening, zero judgment and positive encouragement and regard.

A huge thank you to Joanne and Katie from Chesire East Council’s Learning and Development team for commissioning me to device and deliver the course and thanks again to Katie for setting the room up to my exacting standards and always being wonderfully supportive.

Onward every onward!

Here are the feedback comments, 100% positive!

“Very informative and interesting training. Well delivered by Steven and very engaging. Also, I found it emotional at times, I really appreciated the lived experience and Paula sharing her story.”

“Brilliant and thought-provoking. Great and courageous interviewees.”

“Fantastic delivery of the course from Steve. Very informative. This course REALLY made me think!”

“This has been one of the best training courses I have ever attended, due to the fact it was interactive, there was lived experience from Paula, which was very useful and your artwork was a nice touch! Thank you.”

“Very good training, very informative, it has improved my knowledge on the subject and I’ve learned skills to tackle the subject and help people.”

“Steven was approachable, talented and knowledgeable. Steven puts a lot of work into his training and it really pays off. I look forward to more training with him.”

“An excellent course. Very, very informative, I have taken so much away from today!”

“Fabulous course. Well taught. I would highly recommend Steven. Thank you to Paula too.”

“Thought-provoking. Excellent. Well presented.”

“What can I write? Fantastic! Informative! Well delivered! Very interesting! And most of all helpful, Steve has taught me skills today to actually help people.”

“Really positive training, lovely to meet Paula and good luck to her for the future.”

“This training has been HIGHLY informative. I will use the learning to better my SW practice.”

“Steven was brilliant. Very informative. I really enjoyed the day, well done to Paula, you are an inspiration. Could we do Motivational Interviewing with you Steve?”

“Very informative, developed my knowledge in relation to hoarding compulsion and best practice approaches. The trainer was very engaging and needs to provide this training for as long as he wishes. His passion for the subject area was second to none! 😊”

“Really insightful and informative. Thank you also to Paula for being brave and sharing her experiences of hoarding and what helped. Could we please have two days training on the subject so that we can embed the skills.”

“Steven was great, very informative and interesting. Paula was a brave woman, what a powerful film you have created there Steven. I thoroughly enjoyed the session. Thank you 😊”

“Very inspirational training. I would like to attend more training with Steven. Many thanks to all of the people who shared their stories, this has made a massive difference. I will use theses skills in my role going forward. We need Motivational Interviewing with you!”

“I really enjoyed it! Steven balances learning with fun, interactive activities that kept my attention throughout. I have learnt so much! Thanks Steven.”

“Delivered very well, I really enjoyed it!”

“Amazing training, delivery, slides, group work, interaction, etc. I have learned so much and I’m keen to learn more from Steven. Steven’s delivery makes you want to listen all day. Both Steven and Paula were inspirational.”

“I felt that this course has give me more knowledge and a deeper understanding of hoarding compulsion. I will embed the good practice and forever remember the stories of people with lived experience. Thank you Steven and Paula.”

“Really informative and will help me in my practice going forward.”

“I found the course to be extremely informative, lots of profound stories and lived experience (Paula, your honesty and integrity was breathtaking – thank you) and Steven’s way of presenting was excellent. I have thoroughly enjoyed the day and learnt so much.”

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